Product Detail

The Growth Bundle - Kids

Quick Overview
A safe, gentle, and all natural hair growth bundle for toddlers and up!  3-1 Weightless Leave In Conditoner- Can be used DAILY on hair, ponytails, locs, twist and curls.  Moisture...


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A safe, gentle, and all natural hair growth bundle for toddlers and up! 

3-1 Weightless Leave In Conditoner- Can be used DAILY on hair, ponytails, locs, twist and curls. 

Moisture Buttermilk- Can be used DAILY for thicker hair to keep your strands hydrated as well. Helps aid in manageability as well. 

Oil- Haircredible Growth Oil has been #1 for years. Apply to hair 2 to 3 times a week on  thinning/breakage area. You can also apply to ends of hair 2 to 3 times a week. Keeping your ends moisturized is important as it is the oldest part of your hair. 


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