Product Detail


Quick Overview
Our #1 Best Selling GROWTH & STRENGTHENING HAIR CARE SYSTEM is The Regrowth System! This specific bundle is when you are ready to get to the ROOT of the problem!...



Our #1 Best Selling GROWTH & STRENGTHENING HAIR CARE SYSTEM is The Regrowth System! This specific bundle is when you are ready to get to the ROOT of the problem! This bundle is if you want a BOOST of vitamins and strengthening to your hair and scalp. This bundle focuses on the hair and scalp health! 

Shampoo- Conditioner- then Leave Masque on for 15-20 minutes. (Rinse Out)

Use Masque once a week!

Apply your Regrowth Treatment twice a day to thinning area or around head. Use once in morning/once in evening. 

Apply your Multivitamin Oil to your thinning area and rub in 3 times a week. Also apply Oil to ends of your hair. Try to keep ends protected and tucked away. 

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