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The Moisture Bundle- Kids

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The best Hair Care products for kids with dry hair is Haircredible Kids Moisture Bundle. Hand picked due to these high potent formulas that is set to nourish, hydrate, and...


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The best Hair Care products for kids with dry hair is Haircredible Kids Moisture Bundle. Hand picked due to these high potent formulas that is set to nourish, hydrate, and condition the hair. Leaving the hair soft and manageable, while eliminating tough tangles. 

3-1 Weightless Leave In- A safe, gentle, and all natural conditioner that you can spray and go! Great for daily use!

Botanical Oil- Specializing in NOURISHMENT, promotes shine and healthy hair!

Moisture Buttermilk- has emollient and soothing humectant properties, which helps the hair to attract and retain moisture. Jam packed with antioxidants!

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