02 Jan
What a way to kick off the New Year! Currently we are in Hype Hair Magazine as the new hot product! To read more click the link below!
29 Dec
Bold Favor is The Leadership Lifestyle Magazine and currently features Haircredible Founder, Lavada Dale, on the legacy that she is building and wants to leave behind. Lets talk LEADERSHIP ....
29 Dec
Being a MOMPRENEUR is very very hard work! This past November 2016, Lavada gave birth to her twin preemie boys which makes this baby number 4 and 5 for her. Not to mention her 9 month old son, and 2 daughters who are 6 and 9 years old. Having a total of 5 kids and through it all running a business during her very difficult pregnancies is mind blowing. Starting Haircredible as well working on building her beauty empire with...